

This page will be updated with presentations from the Forum in the weeks ahead.

Session 1 – What are the various roles of a university in a city and in society?

Session 2 – Presumptions for successful design of creative and open urban milieus

Session 3 – Exploring Participatory and Sustainable Urban Design – reshaping our campus and city in the face of global challenges

– Building democratic spaces – designing the new City Hall in Uppsala – Carl Wallin
– Crossing boundaries through student-led sustainability education – Isak Stoddard & Sara Andersson
– Participatory Dialogues for the Future of Ulleråker – Sara Rydeman & Pernilla Hessling

Session 4 – Critical perspectives for collaborative design and planning

If you want to revisit the program for the forum, you can find it here:
Program Livable City Forum Uppsala – updated November 14th

With any inquiries please contact Sanna Gunnarsson sanna.gunnarsson[at]csduppsala.uu.se or Lakin Anderson lakin.anderson[at]csduppsala.uu.se

Reflections from Participants

What is the Livable City Forum?

What makes a vital and a livable city? One thing is certain, it revolves around people, education and business. As cities compete globally to attract the best talents, the urban culture and wellbeing become increasingly important.

In the Livable City Forum you will hear true-life examples of strategies, methods and partnerships utilising design thinking for better and more sustainable urban development. But more than this, you’ll also get to experience the methods at first hand!

The Livable City Forum gives an opportunity to share experiences and learn from each other – your participation is key! Experts from the city governments, urban practitioners and academia will share their views and findings on what makes the cities livable and enjoyable for us all!

Previous Livable City Forum
